Thursday 25 August 2011

Still to soon to say good bye

At the end I didn't have the time to tell you how much I was gonna miss you.
We were one moment alone, like we found each other for the first time, and we knew that no words could show all this we share.
I left you behind and while the train was taking me away, I thought I saw you crying; but those were my tears. They reminded me of that farewell of many years ago, when I jumped in the bus while in the street someone was opening the envelope with my good bye letter.
I didn't want that drama again.
I saw your skies, blue for a change, before my vision of you got interrumpted for the walls of the tunel, the border where you start for some and end for anothers. And I went into it the same way I came to the world: With a new life ahead, catching breath like it was for the first time.
I miss you already, but this is the start I so much needed. This is the step into the wild, into the unkown that always calls for me. And I cannot silence its voice. It's too strong.

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