Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Sef cultivation....Totally harmless guys!!

Hei London, did you know that is Wednesday night and all that you have to offer me is "The Devil Wears Prada", where Meryl teaches us than nothing in our closet is casual? Good to know. It makes exactly my point, because after having a look into the more increasingly annoying facebook site, I just realised that many people out there are only happy when they create controversy covered in an hallucinatory sense of intelligence!!
Oh...i love it!! People out there, in the net world, are getting so politically involved that it really makes me think that there is still hope. But later on I just find that all they repit in there is the same old boring story of conformism. Actually, their satus are just insulting, imbued with everything but inspiration or self determination. I guess that Habermas would still be happy to have all those useless opinions because, at the end of the day, what else is Democracy? God...Forgive me for what I am about to say, bu if the French invented the Enlightened Despotism...well...Three cheers for that!!
The truth is that all our brains are washed in the same machine. I am not so blind to see that. Still, I feel my patience running out with comments like...I don't' even want to write them down in here.
I guess that deep inside all I long for is a revolution and since the world is coming to an end, I don't see anything wrong with that.
I dream of a textual revolution to measure opinions in a real arena where rules are settle berofe playing. Yes, Of course there must be rules. Otherwise...It would be anarchy, and as much I feel attracted to that concept, I see a big potential power for destruction if we go into that line of thinking.
First rule...A difficult one: Respect. It seems to be very scarce nowadays and that's because everyone feels they are always right. Not just that; they feel the urge to tell how wrong the rest of the world is. Well,,,We all might be wrong. What about that? Too humble for them, I guess.
Everyone can cope with that uncomfortable thing called criticism. But sometimes, too much is too much, and there are some lines that, before being crossed, people who does it should really think twice about the reasons to do it and be prepared for the consequences. Of course there are always consequences.
Yeah, I guess I've got the second rule right here: Preparation, education. In my society is not a luxury. Actually it's affordable by the vast maority of population and self cultivation of the mind is truly necessary in order to create and contest deliberation.
Oh...It's just Wednesday night.
My country is on fire after the 7th strike in our young Democracy took place. For those who do not believe it, the right to strike is recognised by our Constitution.
Exercising that right is not done to annoy anyone, or being a pain, or disturb the peace and pace of a non stopping Capitalist system (Idealisms are off the table. We all know the goods and wrongs, and we also know how preferable is to live in the dark side of the coin because a way back is...rather impossible from this perspective. So, please, save the ovbious)
Exercising the right to strike is just an absolute privilege done on the basis of obscure perepectives of the future for us who have to walk it. To whoever disagrees with that I recommend a session of self cultivation and a bit of solidarity.
It's totally harmless guys!!!

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