Saturday, 2 October 2010

All yours.

Why not aiming for the stars? What is in there for us to loose? Oh, stop it, let's do that list any other time because today the weight is for someone else to carry. Today is a time for us, for what we want, even if we still don't know what it is.
Look at our world, how it crumbles, and I don't want to see this. I don't want to burn in this lack of appetite that has contaminated everyone I used to know. I am meeting new people now because in this city you run out of chances and choices. I am fucking tired of finding the same over and over. I migt be boring, but the rest of the world is dull (one of those days).
I remember that poster I bought myself with a few pounds in some shop in Cambridge. My favourite rock starts sit on a table full of rotten fruit and meat prompt to decay. In a gloomy atmosphere they look relaxed and cool, dressed in glamorous and furry scarves, tight jeans and pirate hats. Totally rebellious in their Brit 60's looks. They transmit the idea that their kingdom doesn't belong to this material world where everything gets wasted before you have the chance to try it.
I just couldn't stop staring at that blurry image of spoiled kids wasted in drugs and alcohol who played to be beggars, but played their instruments for no king, laying some lyrics on a piece of paper that became my bible. I know I am cursed for worshiping false gods. But they never asked me to. They just sang the road to my perdition and I chose to believe and follow.
Once I drove a rented car to the cliffs of Moher and I looked at the Atlantic Ocean in its blue eyes.
Back then, the threat of Food and Mouth disease disturbed the Irish air and economy, falling upon humans that were forced to pay for their mistakes of creating a bubble of abundance in search for profit, transforming possibility in chaos.
But for me, the only thing that polluted the air that impossible beautiful Celtic morning was a song from the Joshua Tree album. Ireland was just the beginning of the world. I could hear the songs of the emigrants that chose the path of the sea to escape misery mixing with Bono's gospel voice.
I wished I could swim with them to a new land.
This search for freedom, not yet completed, lead me to a room in Russell Sq. Still the music surrounds it all.
It's funny how some say that freedom is overrated when it's the only thing we can hold on to. All the rest is an illusion, labelled with brands we happily pay for.
All the rest is you and me writing down our dreams in a piece of wet paper. So I remove myself from the reflection of us in the mirror and I leave it all to yourself. Enjoy the view.

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