Saturday, 19 March 2011

to my father

It does not take that much to jump over the bridge that stands between here and after, you and me, me and myself; between the vision we have of someone and the real person that appears to us when the illusion of imagination gets wasted.
It does not take a child to make a father, but a father to leave behind the child and a child to build the father. In an endless feedback process of love and learning, we build our subjectivity in constant opposition to the paternal figure to become us, until one day we realise that the principles were the same, and the vision, one.
And that day comes and the role of a father is not an authoritative one anymore, but a role of a fighter who never stopped to take a breath in the never ending process of teaching, who feared the loss of himself in the disappearance of me.
Now, a mirror reflecting our images is the limit that defines our persons. Everything else is te same, for I walk the world you gave me and I inhenrerited the blood that runs in your veins.
I only add to my today's and tomorrow's personal experiences created by my will to fulfill the prophecy of rebellion against that concept of truth we shared from the very first moment you hold me in your arms.
Did you knew me before I was here? Did you dream me when you didn't even know if I would ever be possible?
I know you tried to change the world to give me everything you wanted for yourself. You encouraged me to fight against the dragons, the oddities and the discursive limits of those who would try to trap me in their definitions of freedom and routine. You built me strong to not depend on anyone who could doblegate my will; and by doing so, you gave me the wings and the space to find my way. You gave a letter with a lesson in tolerance and respect towards me and the others. You gave me the greatest gift a father can give to a daughter for which I would be eternally grateful to you. After life, you gave me the choice to mould it.
You taught me without knowing how difficult it is to love like this: Loosing yourself in the total rejection of anything that could kill that feeling.
This chain of love is like the universe itself: It does not have any limits known to us, it keeps on transforming itself and expanding continuously.
I don't know if I'll ever gonna have the chance to experience all that you went through for me to get here, to this paper where I reflect on both of us, like if we were one.
For as long as I am a daughter, I'll keep on turning to this pillar of eartlhy faith of our possibilities for good and evil, confident in choosing the right path, so your labour wont be in vain.
For I will not allow that all that you were and will be will ever be in vain.

To my Father.

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