Saturday, 12 February 2011

To dream for beginners.

The world turned upside down. Apparently, history wasn't written and all danced in the streets to their favourite tune, celebrating the victory in the square of freedom.
Maybe new theories will have to be developed after this, after the triumph of the will and the building of a new system that does not follow the conventional already known. If they demanded the impossible and got it...What is there to fear? Let's shake the temples of knowledge and practise the sermon of rupture and new beginnings.
From the other side, the one in which we contemplate, share opinions and tagg pictures in facebook of people we don't even know that well (or at all) but add to our friend's list, I simply smoked a cigarette and drunk a beer with Pedro while I heard from him that the present and the future are and will be better than the past.
I looked at him wanting to absorb the optimism, the clarividence of seeing myself in a tomorrow where things make more sense than they do now.
A part of me can see that; the other looks back an wonders how all that happened, when the "start to loose control" took me away from the goal, and how did I allow all those voices to spoil my silence.
... All that silly wasted time...
I see the world once again. The past doesn't bother me. I still have no regrets. I said what I wanted to say. And that's all I needed to do. I don't care any longer for the outcome. I don't have the patience to wait.
All I feel is this will to start from where once I left it. All I care now is about the souls I let in and about my journey into the path I choose to follow.

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