Let's think for a second about the consequences that the arrest of Mr Assange and the accusations place against him for violating the rights of the author will have for our comprehension of modern media, democracy and freedom of speech.
From my point of view, we are facing a crucial moment in the life of our democratic system and how we understand it in the digital era.
These recent events are teaching us the importance and the limits of the cyber space in which there are not physical barriers for shared information.
Still, we shouldn't confuse information with knowledge. Most people who uses the web did never went to Wiki leaks to look for information of any kind; in the case they did...What kind of power gives the acquirement of such information to common citizens?
The power conferred by the access to this kind of information it still has to be canalized by the institutions which vices are exposed in the documents revealed.
We are constrained by a very complicated web of relations and social structures of power.
What are the damages for the state? Is the security of their citizens being compromised? We have been fatally attacked long time before this scandal took off in all the media. Ignorance did never made us safer.
But we must be realistic without falling into cynicism: Illumination in a consumerism culture is not being digested properly. We are submitted to an enormous amount of details regarding foreign and national policies that are virtually useless if we do not have the mechanism and tools to decode them and use them accordingly.
In occidental societies there is a current detachment from politics on behalf of our well educated citizens and individuals get gathered in protests that are lost before hand. This means that we are loosing the perspective of which are our rights or that we never have the will to change anything and pay our duties. I don't think that that is the case.
We recently have seen the streets of Europe flooded with anger. But that anger is not focused properly simply because is being orchestrated by the enemy of "radical" (please, do not confuse with anarchism and lack of law) and necessary transformation: the lack of time to take intellectual action in the light of such revelations.
We have the example, the paradox, the contradictions right in front of us. We do not want to dismantle any dream, but the time has come to make it general and truly universal. It is a crucial moment for thinking not of the limits, but of the possibilities.
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