I know I will miss the summer and all its bright colours, but tnight I want the winter and all the power of its darkness to fall upon me.
I pray every night for the cold wind to come and cut my pale face; to tangle me with him upon the wild waters of an ocean that seems too wide for me to cross...
And in this promise of prompt nights that soon will become reality, I want to never fall asleep.
I'm planning to stay awake to receive the distant sun and chalange him in his pretention of taking over the moon.
I am so in love with her and all her charms... Maybe I meant to be Romeo, fooled by the beauty that was always better when it was dreamt.
Like him, I also feel betrayed when the day light shows off by the window and the sun breaks the spell of security and reclussion in someone's arms...
Oh Romeo! You should have drove your car far away whilst you could, because you knew her eyes would be the death of you.
In them you were brought to live and in them you would find your grave.
No hay amor sin vida, ni vida sin amor... De que nos sirve este libro en blanco ahora que solo quedamos tu y yo?
Nos sobran los motivos para partir y sin embargo, tozudos como somos, desafiamos al destino que nos ha condenado de antemano y sin remision.
Y estas pasiones desbocadas, solo desembocan en penurias. Y nuestars almas, malditas por una vida que no sognamos, no se rinden facilmente; no encuentran el limite que sofoque este vacio de todo, menos de ti.
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