Monday, 26 October 2009
SHUT UP LITTLE SHITTY SOCIALIST...HOMBRE POR DIOS....Ayyyy Jose Mari...que te pierdessss....Thi s spanish shopping at its best!! ENJOY!! JAJJAJAJA
Subject: FW: mira que bo
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 21:48:58 +0100
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Thursday, 22 October 2009
Do u really think that these kind of people condemn themselves as soon as they open their minds?? WISHFULL THINKING!!!!
> Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 09:01:08 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [From: Raquel Jagg Jagg] BBC is right to allow BNP on Question Time, says Mark Thompson
> Raquel Jagg Jagg spotted this on the site and thought you should see it.
> To see this story with its related links on the site, go to
> BBC is right to allow BNP on Question Time, says Mark Thompson
> Censorship is decision for ministers not broadcasters, insists corporation chief
> Mark Thompson: Keeping Griffin off air is a job for parliament
> Robert Booth
> Thursday October 22 2009
> The Guardian
> The BBC's director general, Mark Thompson, today robustly defends the corporation's decision to invite the BNP leader, Nick Griffin, on to Question Time, and challenges the government to change the law if it wants to censor the far-right group.
> Writing in the Guardian, Thompson says ministers would have to impose a broadcasting ban on the party ? as Margaret Thatcher did with Sinn F?in in the 1980s ? before the BBC would consider breaching its "central principle of impartiality".
> Griffin was not asked on to the flagship current affairs show out of "some misguided desire to be controversial", he says, but because it is the public's right "to hear the full range of political perspectives".
> He adds: "It is a straightforward matter of fact that ? the BNP has demonstrated a level of support which would normally lead to an occasional invitation to join the panel on Question Time. It is for that reason alone ? that the invitation has been extended."
> In what appears a direct challenge to the cabinet ? including the Wales secretary, Peter Hain, who has argued vociferously for Griffin's invitation to be rescinded ? Thompson says: "The case against inviting the BNP to appear on Question Time is a case for censorship ? Democratic societies sometimes do decide that some parties and organisations are beyond the pale. As a result they proscribe them and/or ban them from the airwaves."
> Referring to the ban on Sinn F?in in the 1980s, he says the BBC opposed the move by the Thatcher government, but abided by it. The corporation would similarly abide by a decision to proscribe the BNP.
> "My point is simply that the drastic steps of proscription and censorship can only be taken by government and parliament ? It is unreasonable and inconsistent to take the position that a party like the BNP is acceptable enough for the public to vote for, but not acceptable enough to appear on democratic platforms like Question Time. If there is a case for censorship, it should be debated and decided in parliament. Political censorship cannot be outsourced to the BBC or anyone else."
> Thompson says the BNP will be challenged tenaciously on the programme.
> Hain described Thompson's position as "plain wrong". He said: "He is dodging the fact the BNP is a racist, fascist party in complete contradiction to the BBC's own equal opportunities and anti-racist policies. The BBC are in total denial about their gifting of a massive early Christmas present to the BNP. This is probably the worst decision the BBC has made in recent times."
> Following an emergency meeting last night, the BBC Trust rejected appeals against Griffin's invitation to appear on the programme, saying it was "a question of editorial judgment".
> Griffin, who is an MEP, arrived in London from Strasbourg and will begin preparations for the show at a secret location this morning before travelling to Television Centre by car in time for the planned 6pm recording. The BNP is so concerned about its leader's security that it explored chartering a private helicopter to get him to the studio, but was told by the BBC there was nowhere for it to land. Anti-fascist protesters are planning a rally outside Television Centre with members of the broadcasting union Bectu.
> Griffin told the Guardian he admired Thompson's "personal courage" by inviting him. He described one of his fellow panellists, the Conservative peer Lady Warsi, as "a token Asian Muslim woman" and, in a message to supporters, said the debate was his chance to "take on the corrupt, treacherous swine destroying our beautiful island nation".
> He predicted it would be "political bloodsport" when he faces Warsi, Jack Straw, the justice secretary, Chris Huhne, the Lib Dem home affairs spokesman, and Bonnie Greer, a black American playwright and critic who lives in Britain.
> Ben Bradshaw, the culture secretary, said: "I have always thought we have to take the BNP on. I have always thought they condemn themselves as soon as they open their mouths. In a democracy where they have elected representatives not just at European level but at local level it is very difficult for a broadcaster to exclude them ? We should not give these people the opportunity to claim they are being gagged."
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Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Not scared of what forever might bring
I could smell his desire from miles away.
I saw the warning fire in his gaze crying at me to come closer... It was too obvious when I almost touch him this afternoon, whilst we were waiting for the traffic lights to go green and we both looked like wax statues melting in our own warmthness.
We felt the weight of the feelings crushing our shoulders and we found ourselves desperate to let them free and demolish the airy walls that kept us appart .
The will of our lips was stronger than us, than a thousand stupid prejudices against our natural law of falling for it, in the sun light, like vampires who were no longer scared of the day light....
The eager exploration of thirsty fingers looking for forbidden oasis of pleasure, discovering a hidden terrirory in a, never again, too foreign skin, wre followed in their pursuit of land for the rest of our limbs.
We fall drank from the inhalation of uncountable mounings, prelude of a conquered extasis.
And we awake soared by the rutine of the game that we could not stop playing.
We, settlers of Paradise, swore to each other to never get expelled from it by a God bigger than this feeling.
We decied to accept whatever pusnishemnt we might have to face in order to have one more second of fearless pleasure.
And if we expected too much, we gladly welcome the fire of eternity for our earthly foolishness.
As forever would be too boring with nothing to remember.
I saw the warning fire in his gaze crying at me to come closer... It was too obvious when I almost touch him this afternoon, whilst we were waiting for the traffic lights to go green and we both looked like wax statues melting in our own warmthness.
We felt the weight of the feelings crushing our shoulders and we found ourselves desperate to let them free and demolish the airy walls that kept us appart .
The will of our lips was stronger than us, than a thousand stupid prejudices against our natural law of falling for it, in the sun light, like vampires who were no longer scared of the day light....
The eager exploration of thirsty fingers looking for forbidden oasis of pleasure, discovering a hidden terrirory in a, never again, too foreign skin, wre followed in their pursuit of land for the rest of our limbs.
We fall drank from the inhalation of uncountable mounings, prelude of a conquered extasis.
And we awake soared by the rutine of the game that we could not stop playing.
We, settlers of Paradise, swore to each other to never get expelled from it by a God bigger than this feeling.
We decied to accept whatever pusnishemnt we might have to face in order to have one more second of fearless pleasure.
And if we expected too much, we gladly welcome the fire of eternity for our earthly foolishness.
As forever would be too boring with nothing to remember.
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Saturday, 10 October 2009
el resultado,,,,mas o menos esto
Las cosas se ponen interesantes. Perece ser que Venus esta en la casa de Marte, lo que genera la combinacion perfecta para que mi espiritu derrotado salga ahi afuera y se coma el mundo...Bueno, al menos eso es lo que dice mi horoscopo del pasado lunes.
En mi opinion, Venus, que es mi regente, se ha quedado con Marte fornicando en la casa de Jupiter, al que siempre le ha ido la marchita, y todos juntos se estan montando una orgia cosmica mientras el mundo se sigue volviendo cada vez mas loco; o mas cuerdo, quien sabe.
Ya en la epoca en la que los griegos estaban filosofando a cerca del significado de la vida y demas paridas que me tuve que aprender para las terceras preguntas del examen de selectividad, los dioses del Olimpo pasaban olimpicamnete de nosotros.
Les impotabamos un carajo, vaya.
Y al universo, sumergido en su mision imperialista de hacerse con mas territorio de la nada, se le olvido que se habia dejado atras, en una galaxia muy, muy lejana, un pequegno planeta repleto en su gran mayoria de seres mezquinos como tu y yo.
Perdona que te te incluya en la definicion de mezquino, pero es que de vez en cuando es bueno que alguien, aunque sea solo yo, te baje un poco esos humos que te gastas con el dinero de mama y papa.
Solo cuando las cosas se ponen interesantes, parece que le encontramos un sentido a la existencia; o la menos nos preocupamos por buscarlo.
El resto del tiempo lo pasamos dando tumbos de aca para alla, pretendiendo enteder, pretendiendo engagnarnos a nosotros mismos para hacer feliz a nuestra pequegna conciencia a la que retenemos amordazada la mayor parte del tiempo en el cuarto oscuro de nuestra memoria para que nos deje dormir tranquilos.
Si no somos suficientemente fuertes para ello, las pastillas de colores son de gran ayuda, y la drogas de disegno el camino mas facil hacia el escapismo.
No culpo a los adictos...Son los mismos (salvanodo muchiiisimas diferencias) que en la antiguedad preparaban las "pociones magicas" que usaban para entrar en trance y acercarse a "dios", que por aquel entonces no era mas que el aspecto incomprensible de la naturaleza; ese espacio al que la mente humana es incapaz de llegar...
Y entonces vino la diosa razon e intento poner un poco de orden sobre tanto caos, sometiendo a todo cristo bajo el imperio de su ley. Incluso el protagonista de la Biblia acato sus condiciones; la razon le otorgo un status quo que le daria autoridad sobre el resto de los inmortales.
Que seria de nosotros sin nuestras supersticiones?? El matrimonio entre razon y fe se convirtio, por arte de estartegia, en nuestro estilo de vida.
El caso era combinar y reducir estos dos elementos a un ente comun con el fin de someter mas a gusto y a las anchas de unos pocos a la mayoria, a la que por entonces, se consideraba objeto de dominacion.
Es una cuestion puramente administrativa en donde la regla principal es reducir para simplificar...
La ciencia le ha dado mucho palo a este tipo de oragnizacion que hemos dado en llamar civilizacion. Algunos mezquinos como tu y yo, la han usado para sus fines, dandole nombres innombrables, como si de un nuevo fenomeno se tratase...pero eso es tema para otro debate...
Los que se nominaron (con nuestro permiso) duegnos y segnores de esta civilizacion, lograron salirse con la suya por unos cuantos siglos, pero les salio el tiro por la culata cuando las mujeres hambrientas de Paris se arrojaron a las patas del caballo del despota y las cabezas empezaron a rodar... El problema debia ser cortado de raiz...Sin embargo, la semilla plantada se arraigo con fuerza en las entrgnas de la mente, en las ansias de libertad pariendo la revolucion...Y el resultado...Bueno....mas o menos esto y el nuevo album de Coldplay (toma guigno a al cultura Pop)
to be continued....
En mi opinion, Venus, que es mi regente, se ha quedado con Marte fornicando en la casa de Jupiter, al que siempre le ha ido la marchita, y todos juntos se estan montando una orgia cosmica mientras el mundo se sigue volviendo cada vez mas loco; o mas cuerdo, quien sabe.
Ya en la epoca en la que los griegos estaban filosofando a cerca del significado de la vida y demas paridas que me tuve que aprender para las terceras preguntas del examen de selectividad, los dioses del Olimpo pasaban olimpicamnete de nosotros.
Les impotabamos un carajo, vaya.
Y al universo, sumergido en su mision imperialista de hacerse con mas territorio de la nada, se le olvido que se habia dejado atras, en una galaxia muy, muy lejana, un pequegno planeta repleto en su gran mayoria de seres mezquinos como tu y yo.
Perdona que te te incluya en la definicion de mezquino, pero es que de vez en cuando es bueno que alguien, aunque sea solo yo, te baje un poco esos humos que te gastas con el dinero de mama y papa.
Solo cuando las cosas se ponen interesantes, parece que le encontramos un sentido a la existencia; o la menos nos preocupamos por buscarlo.
El resto del tiempo lo pasamos dando tumbos de aca para alla, pretendiendo enteder, pretendiendo engagnarnos a nosotros mismos para hacer feliz a nuestra pequegna conciencia a la que retenemos amordazada la mayor parte del tiempo en el cuarto oscuro de nuestra memoria para que nos deje dormir tranquilos.
Si no somos suficientemente fuertes para ello, las pastillas de colores son de gran ayuda, y la drogas de disegno el camino mas facil hacia el escapismo.
No culpo a los adictos...Son los mismos (salvanodo muchiiisimas diferencias) que en la antiguedad preparaban las "pociones magicas" que usaban para entrar en trance y acercarse a "dios", que por aquel entonces no era mas que el aspecto incomprensible de la naturaleza; ese espacio al que la mente humana es incapaz de llegar...
Y entonces vino la diosa razon e intento poner un poco de orden sobre tanto caos, sometiendo a todo cristo bajo el imperio de su ley. Incluso el protagonista de la Biblia acato sus condiciones; la razon le otorgo un status quo que le daria autoridad sobre el resto de los inmortales.
Que seria de nosotros sin nuestras supersticiones?? El matrimonio entre razon y fe se convirtio, por arte de estartegia, en nuestro estilo de vida.
El caso era combinar y reducir estos dos elementos a un ente comun con el fin de someter mas a gusto y a las anchas de unos pocos a la mayoria, a la que por entonces, se consideraba objeto de dominacion.
Es una cuestion puramente administrativa en donde la regla principal es reducir para simplificar...
La ciencia le ha dado mucho palo a este tipo de oragnizacion que hemos dado en llamar civilizacion. Algunos mezquinos como tu y yo, la han usado para sus fines, dandole nombres innombrables, como si de un nuevo fenomeno se tratase...pero eso es tema para otro debate...
Los que se nominaron (con nuestro permiso) duegnos y segnores de esta civilizacion, lograron salirse con la suya por unos cuantos siglos, pero les salio el tiro por la culata cuando las mujeres hambrientas de Paris se arrojaron a las patas del caballo del despota y las cabezas empezaron a rodar... El problema debia ser cortado de raiz...Sin embargo, la semilla plantada se arraigo con fuerza en las entrgnas de la mente, en las ansias de libertad pariendo la revolucion...Y el resultado...Bueno....mas o menos esto y el nuevo album de Coldplay (toma guigno a al cultura Pop)
to be continued....
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
my heroe
Slow days in the endless row of the impossibility to follow the easy philosophy of Bryan.
I don't want to slow down. On the contrary, I feel like riding a bike at 200km/hr and don't think that in the next bend of the road I am going to loose control and kill myself.
I want to loose control. I need to die to keep on living, to stop counting the breaths, the seconds that are now louder than ever and mean few more than nothing.
I don't give a damn about the way you feel. I don't give a shit about you, or about the fucking demnads of the rest of the world. Nobody has asked for your help, for your never ending boooooring excuses and your lack of enthusiam. Stick all that up you know where.
I guess I had enough of it. I can't believe I had thought that time could change those things into something more promising, less conformist.
So time does not fool me anymore.
This is about me. About the overwhleming weight of the question: And now what?
Actually, it's been always about me. The rest was just an excuse to scape for an instant from the flood of words that I couldn't keep under control. It's been a while since I am not in charge of them.
They had took over, they assult me in my dreams, and I am not willing to stop it.
I am throwing myself into them...
And those 2 girls...Jumping of a bridge...Flying for two seconds before leaving this world behind. So how was the fall? Did it hurt to say goodbye? I am sure someone must have loved you if you'd stayed!!!
Stop crying now...
You are not here to denfend your arguments, and I am sure they were far too many for me to do it on your behalf.
I'd never been so selfish to have made you stay... though if you had give me the chance, I would.
It's absurd to think about this, as the present doesnt have the power to give us back the lost time, the missed smiles, the warmth of a pair of unforgattable eyes... It just supplies our anxiety with regret. An unbearble regret.
All its gone now. Death made your wish come true and drove us appart...for ever.
And in here, today, missing it's only my fault. There's no room for guiltyness....Our hearts never were religious enough to keep that sort of feeling.
I just remember you the way you were. The way we were... and I am glad for that, so I don't worry for anything else. Everything else can go and fuck itslef because: Who said there were no more heroes??
I don't want to slow down. On the contrary, I feel like riding a bike at 200km/hr and don't think that in the next bend of the road I am going to loose control and kill myself.
I want to loose control. I need to die to keep on living, to stop counting the breaths, the seconds that are now louder than ever and mean few more than nothing.
I don't give a damn about the way you feel. I don't give a shit about you, or about the fucking demnads of the rest of the world. Nobody has asked for your help, for your never ending boooooring excuses and your lack of enthusiam. Stick all that up you know where.
I guess I had enough of it. I can't believe I had thought that time could change those things into something more promising, less conformist.
So time does not fool me anymore.
This is about me. About the overwhleming weight of the question: And now what?
Actually, it's been always about me. The rest was just an excuse to scape for an instant from the flood of words that I couldn't keep under control. It's been a while since I am not in charge of them.
They had took over, they assult me in my dreams, and I am not willing to stop it.
I am throwing myself into them...
And those 2 girls...Jumping of a bridge...Flying for two seconds before leaving this world behind. So how was the fall? Did it hurt to say goodbye? I am sure someone must have loved you if you'd stayed!!!
Stop crying now...
You are not here to denfend your arguments, and I am sure they were far too many for me to do it on your behalf.
I'd never been so selfish to have made you stay... though if you had give me the chance, I would.
It's absurd to think about this, as the present doesnt have the power to give us back the lost time, the missed smiles, the warmth of a pair of unforgattable eyes... It just supplies our anxiety with regret. An unbearble regret.
All its gone now. Death made your wish come true and drove us appart...for ever.
And in here, today, missing it's only my fault. There's no room for guiltyness....Our hearts never were religious enough to keep that sort of feeling.
I just remember you the way you were. The way we were... and I am glad for that, so I don't worry for anything else. Everything else can go and fuck itslef because: Who said there were no more heroes??
Friday, 2 October 2009

I know I will miss the summer and all its bright colours, but tnight I want the winter and all the power of its darkness to fall upon me.
I pray every night for the cold wind to come and cut my pale face; to tangle me with him upon the wild waters of an ocean that seems too wide for me to cross...
And in this promise of prompt nights that soon will become reality, I want to never fall asleep.
I'm planning to stay awake to receive the distant sun and chalange him in his pretention of taking over the moon.
I am so in love with her and all her charms... Maybe I meant to be Romeo, fooled by the beauty that was always better when it was dreamt.
Like him, I also feel betrayed when the day light shows off by the window and the sun breaks the spell of security and reclussion in someone's arms...
Oh Romeo! You should have drove your car far away whilst you could, because you knew her eyes would be the death of you.
In them you were brought to live and in them you would find your grave.
No hay amor sin vida, ni vida sin amor... De que nos sirve este libro en blanco ahora que solo quedamos tu y yo?
Nos sobran los motivos para partir y sin embargo, tozudos como somos, desafiamos al destino que nos ha condenado de antemano y sin remision.
Y estas pasiones desbocadas, solo desembocan en penurias. Y nuestars almas, malditas por una vida que no sognamos, no se rinden facilmente; no encuentran el limite que sofoque este vacio de todo, menos de ti.
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