Sunday, 17 April 2011
Y de nuevo....the one and only...the one and...the one: Aaron.
Por fin he descubierto la finalidad de este blogg y puede que, por extension, de mi vida. Se trata de algo bien simple; algo a lo que los humanos hemos rendido pleiteisa desde el comienzo de los tiempos: El cuerpo masculino.
Oh nooo...Os esperabaias algo trascendental o algo mas cercano al aburrdisimo y archi conocido discurso patriarcal imbuido de alguna verdad ontologica que demuestre que los hombres son los duegnos del mundo.
Pues no. Siento muchisimo desilusionaros, pero es que este es mi blogg y no mi FYP para Birkbeck.
Ademas, para verdades ontologicas o os leeis a Kant o os vais a misa, que ademas es Semana Santa y tal y como esta el mundo nunca viene mal rezar.
La cuestion es que he decidido que este blogg deberia darle mas espacio al cachorrito ingles de Aaron, que me tiene alucinada con sus salidas shakesperianas, sus ojos azules y ese pelo rizo moreno que es un reclamo en toda regla, mas potente que todo el axel del mundo o todos los litros de colonia Hugo Boss. Nada es mas atractivo que esa mata de rizos al viento.
Creo que ya habia puesto alguna de sus fotos por aqui.
Una de dos: o me desconectan el chiringuito por apropiarme de datos asi como asi en la web o me detienen por acoso.
La verdad esta ahi afuera, mis queridos spookies, y esta verdad es de las que no os podeis perder.
No se si son las hormonas, la fala de suegno, que magnana es lunes y no me apetece un carajo ir a trabajar o que la valvula de la calefaccion se me ha estropeado y esta habitacion esta contribuyendo al calentamiento global mas que las fugas nucleares de fuhiyama. Yo que se.
La verdad es que este hombre tiene algo y me pone algo mas que de mala leche, que es lo que hacen todos los hombres que conozco en mi vida real. Asi son de originales los jodidos. Oh, que sopor. Y para eso esta la ficcion, la poesia, los Rolling y, por supuesto, Aaron.
Consideremoslo hombre a pesar de que cuando el nacio, yo ya estaba aplicando para desahcerme de las mates en COU...Bueno, aun no...O si, porque desde el mismo instante en que me tuve que aprender la tabla del nueve supe q yo y los numeros nunca llegariamos lejos.
Bueno Mr Johnson (como el shampoo que use hasta los 15...) Mr Jonhnson, baby, haz mas peliculas. Haz lo que quieras pero vuelve a la gran pantalla.
Yo os dejo con algunas imagenes.Se aceptan comentarios torridos (a caso se esperaba algo menos con esa carroceria?! No de mi), pero recordad que es un hombre casado...Bueno, pasad de lo segundo. centremonos en que es un hombre y puno.
Que alguien lo clone, por favor!!!
Facebook y yo
Me llamo Raquel y soy adicta al facebook.
Espero que esto de reconocer la debilidad sea un paso importante en la superacion de mi adicion. Yo pensaba que solo la cafeína y el chocolate requiririan terapia el dia que decidiese desengancharme, pero estas sustancias ya han encontrado un rival a su medida.
Es algo serio, porque a mi esto de las relaciones a distancia o basadas en aparatos tecnológicos, nuca me llamaron demasiado la atencion. De hecho, aun recuerdo el cabreo que me pille cuado me regalaron mi primer movil. Lo deje cuatro dias dentro de la caja, tentada en mas de una ocasion de devolverlo a la tienda. A dia de hoy, no me pongo taquicardica si me lo olvido al salir de casa o lo dejo apagado durante mas de 24 horas.
Sin embargo, con esta red social fue diferente. Es cierto que la primera vez que me invitaron a unirme al facebook pense: “menuda chorrada”. Me suponia, ilusia de mi, que las ocho horas laborales frente a una pantalla eran ya demasiadas horas perdidas con un ordenador. Sin embargo, no sabia cuanto me equivocaba ni en el lio en que me metia cuando, a lo Neo, decidi aceptar la invitacion y tirarme de cabeza a la conejera.
Poco a poco fui descubriendo las maravillas del Facebook y, con cada amigo que agregaba, la adicion iba aumentando. La cuestion ya no era estar delante de una pantalla, sino dentro: Vivir una vida virtual, conectarme y hablar con el mundo no con palabras, sino a teclazo limpio.
Me di cuenta de que esto empezaba a tomara tonalidades procupantes cuando una tarde me encontre saliendo disparada del trabajo solo para llegar a casa y conectarme al ordenador para comprobar si alguien habian dejado algun comentario en mi muro o si fulanito de tal habia subido ya las fotos de la fiesta del dia anterior. Y es que ahora ya no sales de juerga um sábado por la noche a pasartelo bien, sino que lo haces para sacar fotos y colgarlas en el face para que el mundo entero disfrute de la cara de lerda que se te queda cuando llevas dos cervezas de mas.
A partir de ahi la cosa empeoro. El descubrir como compartir vídeos no me hizo la vida mas fácil. Al contrario: Ahora tambien estoy enganchada al YouTube en una especie de competicion absurda de a ver quien sube el vídeo mas molon, o la cancion mas chula. El que reciba mas “Me gusta” gana.
Vamos, que el chocolate y la cafeína son la menor de mis preocupaciones!
Con tanta aplicacion, me siento como un Avatar vivendo en Pandora donde todo es mas atractivo y, engagnosamente, mas autentico. Ya no quedo com mis amigas para el café de las cinco. Uy!,A esa hora toca echar una visual que me ponga al dia de la vida de los 190 individuos que tengo en mi lista de amigos de los cuales solo conozco a 50, o regar alguna hortaliza en la Granja Ville. Hay que ver... Con lo que odiaba yo subir a la terraza a regar las plantas de mi abuela y ahora soy toda una McDonald. Iha iha oh!. En fin.
Supongo que alguno de vosotros ya habreis pasado o estais pasando por esto. Y si mi oculista me esta leyendo, se estará frotando las manos, porque con esta tonteria con la que un gringo se hizo de oro las diotrias me han subido mas que el IVA y el Euribor juntos.
Espero que solo sea uma fase. Por si las moscas, ni me acerco a las invitaciones de Twiter, o Tuenti & Company. Y es que, de seguir asi , entre yahoo, hotmail, gmail, blogg, You Tube, Messenger, Skype (...) o me clonan o me tendre que mudar a Matrix. Y lo cierto es que sin Keanu, ir por ir es tonteria.
PS Cualquier comentario o consejo para desengancharme será bien recibido en mi muro. Gracias.
Espero que esto de reconocer la debilidad sea un paso importante en la superacion de mi adicion. Yo pensaba que solo la cafeína y el chocolate requiririan terapia el dia que decidiese desengancharme, pero estas sustancias ya han encontrado un rival a su medida.
Es algo serio, porque a mi esto de las relaciones a distancia o basadas en aparatos tecnológicos, nuca me llamaron demasiado la atencion. De hecho, aun recuerdo el cabreo que me pille cuado me regalaron mi primer movil. Lo deje cuatro dias dentro de la caja, tentada en mas de una ocasion de devolverlo a la tienda. A dia de hoy, no me pongo taquicardica si me lo olvido al salir de casa o lo dejo apagado durante mas de 24 horas.
Sin embargo, con esta red social fue diferente. Es cierto que la primera vez que me invitaron a unirme al facebook pense: “menuda chorrada”. Me suponia, ilusia de mi, que las ocho horas laborales frente a una pantalla eran ya demasiadas horas perdidas con un ordenador. Sin embargo, no sabia cuanto me equivocaba ni en el lio en que me metia cuando, a lo Neo, decidi aceptar la invitacion y tirarme de cabeza a la conejera.
Poco a poco fui descubriendo las maravillas del Facebook y, con cada amigo que agregaba, la adicion iba aumentando. La cuestion ya no era estar delante de una pantalla, sino dentro: Vivir una vida virtual, conectarme y hablar con el mundo no con palabras, sino a teclazo limpio.
Me di cuenta de que esto empezaba a tomara tonalidades procupantes cuando una tarde me encontre saliendo disparada del trabajo solo para llegar a casa y conectarme al ordenador para comprobar si alguien habian dejado algun comentario en mi muro o si fulanito de tal habia subido ya las fotos de la fiesta del dia anterior. Y es que ahora ya no sales de juerga um sábado por la noche a pasartelo bien, sino que lo haces para sacar fotos y colgarlas en el face para que el mundo entero disfrute de la cara de lerda que se te queda cuando llevas dos cervezas de mas.
A partir de ahi la cosa empeoro. El descubrir como compartir vídeos no me hizo la vida mas fácil. Al contrario: Ahora tambien estoy enganchada al YouTube en una especie de competicion absurda de a ver quien sube el vídeo mas molon, o la cancion mas chula. El que reciba mas “Me gusta” gana.
Vamos, que el chocolate y la cafeína son la menor de mis preocupaciones!
Con tanta aplicacion, me siento como un Avatar vivendo en Pandora donde todo es mas atractivo y, engagnosamente, mas autentico. Ya no quedo com mis amigas para el café de las cinco. Uy!,A esa hora toca echar una visual que me ponga al dia de la vida de los 190 individuos que tengo en mi lista de amigos de los cuales solo conozco a 50, o regar alguna hortaliza en la Granja Ville. Hay que ver... Con lo que odiaba yo subir a la terraza a regar las plantas de mi abuela y ahora soy toda una McDonald. Iha iha oh!. En fin.
Supongo que alguno de vosotros ya habreis pasado o estais pasando por esto. Y si mi oculista me esta leyendo, se estará frotando las manos, porque con esta tonteria con la que un gringo se hizo de oro las diotrias me han subido mas que el IVA y el Euribor juntos.
Espero que solo sea uma fase. Por si las moscas, ni me acerco a las invitaciones de Twiter, o Tuenti & Company. Y es que, de seguir asi , entre yahoo, hotmail, gmail, blogg, You Tube, Messenger, Skype (...) o me clonan o me tendre que mudar a Matrix. Y lo cierto es que sin Keanu, ir por ir es tonteria.
PS Cualquier comentario o consejo para desengancharme será bien recibido en mi muro. Gracias.
Saturday, 16 April 2011
Una magnana de domingo
Me desvele hace un par de horas y ya es de dia en Londres.
Pensaba que el sol saldria con fuerza, como suele hacer en Pirmavera, y me prepare para recibirlo. En esta isla es una carrera el capturar unas horas del dia en las que brille el sol. Normalemtne sucede al amanecer, cuando los pajaros aun no estan despiertos y nos coge a todos de sorpresa el madrugon de la estrella que nunca duerme, como las ciudades ibericas en las que prolongamos el suegno hasta que nuestros pies se hartan de bailar.
Aqui el clima te convirte a la fuerza en un ave nocturna y la mirada se oscurece por la ausencia de luz. La piel se transforma para adaptarse al frio que nunca da tregua. No es estragno el verte adorando la claridad cuando sorprende gratamanete nuestros mal acostumbrados sentidos, embiragados en cafena para estar a alerta netre tanta tiniebla.
Mi sistema nada en esa substancia hecha para despejar el cerebro y mantener la vigila, pero no hay nada que guardar. La ciudad esta tranquila, los turistas descansan y las momias siguen confiadas el paso del tiempo en su suegno eterno.
Los arboles explotan en verdes imposibles y un rio de sigiloso caudal divide dos puntos cardinales.
En este mismo momento, de la estacion del Rey parte un tren hacia Paris. Yo queria subir, ser una mas entre sus pasajeros, y llegar a Francia a la hora punta en la que los panaderos sacan del horno las crujientes baguettes y el aroma de pan recien hecho embriaga el ambiente, creando un domingo cualquiera lejos del mundanal ruido.
Quiero volver al continente, y desayunar junto al Siena. Ver a los parisinos pasar despreocupados, como si el tiempo no existiese para ellos. Quiero regresar a casa y dejar que la tierra me impregne de nuevo y me devuelva al cordura que perdi en estas magnanas inglesas de nieblas que no escamapan.
Pero ya nace el ruido en Southampton road y el trafico aumenta a medida que avanzan las horas. El autobus a las afueras del Holiday Inn ya esta en marcha cuando la casa aun esta dormida y mis vecinos se resisten a abonadonar las sabanas ILH.
Que no daria por un cafe recien hecho? Por alguien que me lo trajese a la cama, y jugar un rato con el bajo el duvet de Argos?
Poco a poco vas perdiendo la costumbre de exigir y te resignas a conformarte con una ducha de agua templada y pasar lista a la ropa que tienes en el armario; sin que nada te convezca al 100%, terminas por ponerte cualquier cosa, porque ya te conocen el la cafeteria de Marchmond St. Ya saben q llegaras sin maquillaje y con un par de libros bajo el brazo. Ya conocen mi orden, pero la siguen preparando sin gusto.
No me gusta esta ausencia de sonrisas...Ya es pesado el dia para que el barista lo haga aun mas. Pero, que les vas a pedir por un sueldo minimo de 4 libras con cincuena que no llega ni para pagarte el metro? Que le vas a pedir a la ciudad que todo lo engulle, a cuya actividad se apuntas las nubes que no se van al Norte a darle la brasa a otro con mas tolerancia a este tiempo de mierda?
No mucho. Y si lo haces, mejor que el machiatto lleve solo un shot de cafe, que no esta el mundo para alterarse con dosis extras de cafeina.
Hoy solo busco una magnana sin estudios ni agobios, sin luchar para encontrar las palabras que no existen.
Ya ni miro el mobil, porque la persona con la que sognaba jugar a juego prohbidos y libidinosos bajo el duvet 2x1 de Argos ni tan si quiera me dice hola por el chate del facebook cuando nos encontramso en este cutri matrix de la vida moderna.
Asi que...que te queda? Una maganana de domingo. A pesar de todo lo q despotrico en su oontra, Londres tiene magia, sobre todo en estas magnanas. Ella sabe que la quiero y ultimamente me ha sorprendido pensando en dejarla.
No se por que algo en mi se ha adaptado a este irme acostumbrando a despedirme, porque no quiero dramas de ultima hora. Tampoc despedidas languidas que se eternicen. Nos queremos y punto. Que mas da el magnana?
No adelantemos acontecimientos que hoy nada tiene prisa...Y es algo inusual que la vida no tenga prisa en Londres.
Pensaba que el sol saldria con fuerza, como suele hacer en Pirmavera, y me prepare para recibirlo. En esta isla es una carrera el capturar unas horas del dia en las que brille el sol. Normalemtne sucede al amanecer, cuando los pajaros aun no estan despiertos y nos coge a todos de sorpresa el madrugon de la estrella que nunca duerme, como las ciudades ibericas en las que prolongamos el suegno hasta que nuestros pies se hartan de bailar.
Aqui el clima te convirte a la fuerza en un ave nocturna y la mirada se oscurece por la ausencia de luz. La piel se transforma para adaptarse al frio que nunca da tregua. No es estragno el verte adorando la claridad cuando sorprende gratamanete nuestros mal acostumbrados sentidos, embiragados en cafena para estar a alerta netre tanta tiniebla.
Mi sistema nada en esa substancia hecha para despejar el cerebro y mantener la vigila, pero no hay nada que guardar. La ciudad esta tranquila, los turistas descansan y las momias siguen confiadas el paso del tiempo en su suegno eterno.
Los arboles explotan en verdes imposibles y un rio de sigiloso caudal divide dos puntos cardinales.
En este mismo momento, de la estacion del Rey parte un tren hacia Paris. Yo queria subir, ser una mas entre sus pasajeros, y llegar a Francia a la hora punta en la que los panaderos sacan del horno las crujientes baguettes y el aroma de pan recien hecho embriaga el ambiente, creando un domingo cualquiera lejos del mundanal ruido.
Quiero volver al continente, y desayunar junto al Siena. Ver a los parisinos pasar despreocupados, como si el tiempo no existiese para ellos. Quiero regresar a casa y dejar que la tierra me impregne de nuevo y me devuelva al cordura que perdi en estas magnanas inglesas de nieblas que no escamapan.
Pero ya nace el ruido en Southampton road y el trafico aumenta a medida que avanzan las horas. El autobus a las afueras del Holiday Inn ya esta en marcha cuando la casa aun esta dormida y mis vecinos se resisten a abonadonar las sabanas ILH.
Que no daria por un cafe recien hecho? Por alguien que me lo trajese a la cama, y jugar un rato con el bajo el duvet de Argos?
Poco a poco vas perdiendo la costumbre de exigir y te resignas a conformarte con una ducha de agua templada y pasar lista a la ropa que tienes en el armario; sin que nada te convezca al 100%, terminas por ponerte cualquier cosa, porque ya te conocen el la cafeteria de Marchmond St. Ya saben q llegaras sin maquillaje y con un par de libros bajo el brazo. Ya conocen mi orden, pero la siguen preparando sin gusto.
No me gusta esta ausencia de sonrisas...Ya es pesado el dia para que el barista lo haga aun mas. Pero, que les vas a pedir por un sueldo minimo de 4 libras con cincuena que no llega ni para pagarte el metro? Que le vas a pedir a la ciudad que todo lo engulle, a cuya actividad se apuntas las nubes que no se van al Norte a darle la brasa a otro con mas tolerancia a este tiempo de mierda?
No mucho. Y si lo haces, mejor que el machiatto lleve solo un shot de cafe, que no esta el mundo para alterarse con dosis extras de cafeina.
Hoy solo busco una magnana sin estudios ni agobios, sin luchar para encontrar las palabras que no existen.
Ya ni miro el mobil, porque la persona con la que sognaba jugar a juego prohbidos y libidinosos bajo el duvet 2x1 de Argos ni tan si quiera me dice hola por el chate del facebook cuando nos encontramso en este cutri matrix de la vida moderna.
Asi que...que te queda? Una maganana de domingo. A pesar de todo lo q despotrico en su oontra, Londres tiene magia, sobre todo en estas magnanas. Ella sabe que la quiero y ultimamente me ha sorprendido pensando en dejarla.
No se por que algo en mi se ha adaptado a este irme acostumbrando a despedirme, porque no quiero dramas de ultima hora. Tampoc despedidas languidas que se eternicen. Nos queremos y punto. Que mas da el magnana?
No adelantemos acontecimientos que hoy nada tiene prisa...Y es algo inusual que la vida no tenga prisa en Londres.
Friday, 15 April 2011
Made for something better.
Lately, I find difficult to focus on one subject. My mind wonders about, looking for new ideas, or words, or things that catch my imagination. One spark and one match to make the world entirely mine once again.
Maybe if I smoke another cigarette and look out the window into Coram St, all the noise that comes from there in this warm Friday evening will be in tune with my own melody.
It's kind of boring having to dance it alone, but since you've never asked, I guess this is the only option I have been left with. So I have to make the most out of it.
It's only a matter of getting used to this: To drink from an empty glass, like Tom Cruise's character in Interview with the Vampire did: Pretending for the rest from time to time, and from me the rest of it.
It's a matter of perspective too, because things change continuously, the same way we do. Things also stop having meaning and what before was crucial for my existence, today is only a nuisance; today is a face in the crowd and I don't feel the urge to rescue it from there.
Where is that cigarette? Where are your matches? You know I never carry them. You know this is only me playing with your patience. At least, that's what you think. Because this is me living as I always wanted to: Feeling the picture at my will, not at yours.
It's difficult to get tired of staring at the eyes of a city. However, I am feeling full of you, like if your messages were overflowing all my mental and physical borders, my skin and my thoughts. I can't take anything else from this, specially in this evening of thick hot air and grey skies that never get to show us their stars.
I drunk enough from your fountain of lies and your false promises. I am not made for the collapse of passion and the fakeness you inflicted upon those who sin when trying to imitate your grace.
I am fed up with people who don't know me at all but presume they do. I am tired of their arrogance and invention of excuses. How simple would it be without them? Who ask for them anyway? I am not interested in hearing the same words over and over. Shut their mouths, if you please, for I have no need. My ears are sealed to them forever.
Are we the observers, the ones who scrutinize and change you, or are we your puppets, being used and charmed by your spell? I am indeed the latest. Driven by a force bigger than my own. I let my self go as I enjoy being carried away wherever you want to take me. But you know this won't last forever. You are aware that I'll leave you one day, so you try, like we all do when we become lovers, not to get used to the presence, to the bad habit of having someone who really cares, for their future absence is the greatest fear for which no words have been written yet.
Let's just live this moment whilst it lasts and the cigarette perishes in my fingers and my mouth whispers the words I created just for you. We don't care for tomorrow; all its joys and sorrows are not worth what we have here and now. For now we have each other and nothing else matters.
It's exciting to see how you surrender to my attention, to my touch and willingness to know you. I did not come all this way to find myself, for I always knew who I was. You just reminded me.
Above all, I wanted to find you and let you unveil what you had for me.
And now that I think I know, I must go before this freshness expires.
I will see your greens and blues from the window of my memories and certain smells will remind me of your rain over the city ponds. Certain eyes will see in mine the track of your soul imprinted on my skin where your name has being tattooed. And certain wind will mess with my hair in the same way yours used to.
So let's fight those who try to defeat us in a senseless battle. Let's kill their will to set us apart and show them we are made for something better than their big aspirations. Leave them to them, and let's hope they'll be as happy as I am now.
Maybe if I smoke another cigarette and look out the window into Coram St, all the noise that comes from there in this warm Friday evening will be in tune with my own melody.
It's kind of boring having to dance it alone, but since you've never asked, I guess this is the only option I have been left with. So I have to make the most out of it.
It's only a matter of getting used to this: To drink from an empty glass, like Tom Cruise's character in Interview with the Vampire did: Pretending for the rest from time to time, and from me the rest of it.
It's a matter of perspective too, because things change continuously, the same way we do. Things also stop having meaning and what before was crucial for my existence, today is only a nuisance; today is a face in the crowd and I don't feel the urge to rescue it from there.
Where is that cigarette? Where are your matches? You know I never carry them. You know this is only me playing with your patience. At least, that's what you think. Because this is me living as I always wanted to: Feeling the picture at my will, not at yours.
It's difficult to get tired of staring at the eyes of a city. However, I am feeling full of you, like if your messages were overflowing all my mental and physical borders, my skin and my thoughts. I can't take anything else from this, specially in this evening of thick hot air and grey skies that never get to show us their stars.
I drunk enough from your fountain of lies and your false promises. I am not made for the collapse of passion and the fakeness you inflicted upon those who sin when trying to imitate your grace.
I am fed up with people who don't know me at all but presume they do. I am tired of their arrogance and invention of excuses. How simple would it be without them? Who ask for them anyway? I am not interested in hearing the same words over and over. Shut their mouths, if you please, for I have no need. My ears are sealed to them forever.
Are we the observers, the ones who scrutinize and change you, or are we your puppets, being used and charmed by your spell? I am indeed the latest. Driven by a force bigger than my own. I let my self go as I enjoy being carried away wherever you want to take me. But you know this won't last forever. You are aware that I'll leave you one day, so you try, like we all do when we become lovers, not to get used to the presence, to the bad habit of having someone who really cares, for their future absence is the greatest fear for which no words have been written yet.
Let's just live this moment whilst it lasts and the cigarette perishes in my fingers and my mouth whispers the words I created just for you. We don't care for tomorrow; all its joys and sorrows are not worth what we have here and now. For now we have each other and nothing else matters.
It's exciting to see how you surrender to my attention, to my touch and willingness to know you. I did not come all this way to find myself, for I always knew who I was. You just reminded me.
Above all, I wanted to find you and let you unveil what you had for me.
And now that I think I know, I must go before this freshness expires.
I will see your greens and blues from the window of my memories and certain smells will remind me of your rain over the city ponds. Certain eyes will see in mine the track of your soul imprinted on my skin where your name has being tattooed. And certain wind will mess with my hair in the same way yours used to.
So let's fight those who try to defeat us in a senseless battle. Let's kill their will to set us apart and show them we are made for something better than their big aspirations. Leave them to them, and let's hope they'll be as happy as I am now.
Sunday, 3 April 2011
No limits
Here it comes a new one. Hopefully, soon to be more, for I start to have more spare time for this, for me and the city. I can walk around further than Russell Sq once again. It feels good wanting to explore all those things that were here all this time, unnoticed. How did I dare not to stop looking? But here it comes this feeling again. It makes me happy.
I already know what I wanna do when I finish this degree. I'll probably go to a music store in Oxford St or Covent Garden, find some nice books about country, maybe get some recommended dandy records in the genre and get my head into it. I wanna learn more about this type of music.
This "culture" of You tube is great, but it only gives a fragmented knowledge of the whole thing. It might be worrying later on, when we have lost the roots of where our tastes come from. For those who think that Internet is the panacea of enlightenment, it should be good to remind them that education about using it, it's as crucial as clicking enter when our brains are blank.
With Internet we don't listen to the whole albums any more. This rush to acquire a nice "top" list of tracks vanishes the musical experience of putting the plastic (or vinyl) roundies in your machine and let the world outside disappear.
Certainly, new technologies give many options...But it also threaten the right to step outside the mainstream directed just by curiosity instead of some capital interest.
Anyway, let's leave the nostalgia of the smell of a recently acquired book for another day.
Today I feel like listening to some good lyrics and discover the roots of my favourite music. It has to feel nice. Like it does reading this P. Norman biography of the Rolling Stones. I like it. It's very naive or simply stupid to think you know everything about any subject. Regardless having been listening to this band for the last 15 years of my life, I know very little about them. And in all these small details I am discovering, courtesy of a proper groupie, I get to like them even more than I used to. And, yes, it is possible.
So I guess it is nice to realise that thee is still some will to keep on going deeper. It's nice to see there is no limit, just the one you set.
I already know what I wanna do when I finish this degree. I'll probably go to a music store in Oxford St or Covent Garden, find some nice books about country, maybe get some recommended dandy records in the genre and get my head into it. I wanna learn more about this type of music.
This "culture" of You tube is great, but it only gives a fragmented knowledge of the whole thing. It might be worrying later on, when we have lost the roots of where our tastes come from. For those who think that Internet is the panacea of enlightenment, it should be good to remind them that education about using it, it's as crucial as clicking enter when our brains are blank.
With Internet we don't listen to the whole albums any more. This rush to acquire a nice "top" list of tracks vanishes the musical experience of putting the plastic (or vinyl) roundies in your machine and let the world outside disappear.
Certainly, new technologies give many options...But it also threaten the right to step outside the mainstream directed just by curiosity instead of some capital interest.
Anyway, let's leave the nostalgia of the smell of a recently acquired book for another day.
Today I feel like listening to some good lyrics and discover the roots of my favourite music. It has to feel nice. Like it does reading this P. Norman biography of the Rolling Stones. I like it. It's very naive or simply stupid to think you know everything about any subject. Regardless having been listening to this band for the last 15 years of my life, I know very little about them. And in all these small details I am discovering, courtesy of a proper groupie, I get to like them even more than I used to. And, yes, it is possible.
So I guess it is nice to realise that thee is still some will to keep on going deeper. It's nice to see there is no limit, just the one you set.
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Tell it like it is.
It was kind of fantastic and adventurous, even crazy at times, and after all that happened, I had times when I thought it did mean nothing. But I was wrong.
It meant a lot, even if today it is a mere blurry collection of memories that are leaving me slowly to let me go to that place I've always dreamt.
I look backwards, and I don't turn into a salt statue. I don't even cry. I have learnt not to look back in anger, as I always should have. I am done with the thinking of "if u were thinking of.." I am done with many things. I want me back.
There is a time when you get tired of being lost. So next time I want more time. I don't want to think of a very prompt tomorrow that will take the now away. In the future I want someone able to turn the now into forever without words but presence.
I wont waste my time never again. Is up to you to say hello when I say Hi. It's up to me to keep on when you remain silent, like if this feeling of mine was only a ghost that bothers you with words. That's the only thing you thought I had for u babe...But you were so wrong.
How to measure some one's soul? Who wants to capture one more useless body that could probably leave me colder than anything else after many failed attempts to surprise me? I guess all I ever wanted was from you to get there through unknown and unwritten paths of arguments not yet done. I wanted you to create one with the power of your imagination that I wouldn't be ale to forget,not even when other body erased the memory of your fingers running wild through the lines and curves of mine. I just wanted you to give me a small part of what I had in store for you. Instead..middle terms... The very same old predictable stuff.
Skin has always been a desired territory, but this one takes a while to conquer.
Nothing is enough when passion calls. Everything else turns into smoke when the fire scapes the cage of our awaken love to discover a different world where laughter reigns and self pride surrenders to tenderness.
I missed you babe. But I never thought I wouldn't survive it.
Some mornings I find myself longing for you to come and bring the colours. And then, when the alarm clock gets tired of reminding me to wake up, I put you in the basket of dreams and I don't afford myself to think about it.
So fly around before all this loose its meaning for good. Fly over your head and find you before getting lost for good in some one's mind. Before disappearing from some one's hopes. This will be your only chance to be immortal. If you don't want it...I never wanted you.
Just for a couple of minutes or for the rest of your life...This is the only chance for you to be yourself. So tell it like it is.
It meant a lot, even if today it is a mere blurry collection of memories that are leaving me slowly to let me go to that place I've always dreamt.
I look backwards, and I don't turn into a salt statue. I don't even cry. I have learnt not to look back in anger, as I always should have. I am done with the thinking of "if u were thinking of.." I am done with many things. I want me back.
There is a time when you get tired of being lost. So next time I want more time. I don't want to think of a very prompt tomorrow that will take the now away. In the future I want someone able to turn the now into forever without words but presence.
I wont waste my time never again. Is up to you to say hello when I say Hi. It's up to me to keep on when you remain silent, like if this feeling of mine was only a ghost that bothers you with words. That's the only thing you thought I had for u babe...But you were so wrong.
How to measure some one's soul? Who wants to capture one more useless body that could probably leave me colder than anything else after many failed attempts to surprise me? I guess all I ever wanted was from you to get there through unknown and unwritten paths of arguments not yet done. I wanted you to create one with the power of your imagination that I wouldn't be ale to forget,not even when other body erased the memory of your fingers running wild through the lines and curves of mine. I just wanted you to give me a small part of what I had in store for you. Instead..middle terms... The very same old predictable stuff.
Skin has always been a desired territory, but this one takes a while to conquer.
Nothing is enough when passion calls. Everything else turns into smoke when the fire scapes the cage of our awaken love to discover a different world where laughter reigns and self pride surrenders to tenderness.
I missed you babe. But I never thought I wouldn't survive it.
Some mornings I find myself longing for you to come and bring the colours. And then, when the alarm clock gets tired of reminding me to wake up, I put you in the basket of dreams and I don't afford myself to think about it.
So fly around before all this loose its meaning for good. Fly over your head and find you before getting lost for good in some one's mind. Before disappearing from some one's hopes. This will be your only chance to be immortal. If you don't want it...I never wanted you.
Just for a couple of minutes or for the rest of your life...This is the only chance for you to be yourself. So tell it like it is.
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