Freedom is a fact!!
Finally, a mornign without the thought of clocking out soon just to head towards the library.
It feels weird.
If everything goes according to plan, in 12 months this weirdeness is gonna last for longer than a summer break. It' will become rutine. Eventually, it will bore me to death if I allow life to pass by without trying to get something out of it.
So I am starting to look for some remedy in order to avoid that disease of long afternoons leading to a day when everything is the same as the previous one.
The problem with planning is that I hate it. I am not a list person. I like to improvise, to be sourprised, to live the moment.
But, regardless my unorganized nature, I feel the need to estblish some limits to the unknown. And I know that remaining here is not in my non existing list.
How to say good bye to this city?? Well...I guess that by putting my ass in a plane or a train and not looking back. I never looked back. Well...Maybe a little I did, but never in anger. Whats the point in doing that?
I must say I never looked forward either and when I did, the view was so scary that I came back to the arms of here and now, where everything is secure and comfty.
The problem is that I am not loyal to that feeling either; when comfty starts to be very demanding...It stops being the perfect mental space. Everything that materialices it, stops having meaning and starts to look too familiar, reminding me of the existence of differetn possibilities, different landscapes and souls.
Souls...New ones, different ones, intersting ones...Souls like rivers to roam, like mountains to climb, like books to read...
Souls to spend a night with, souls I can dedicate a poem and the promise of a new "I love you". New Souls to learn that one more will come to supply me with the lacking elements that I haven't found yet to complete this definition of us.
Going back to that list...A new scenary is in the top of it. A new everything, actually. Starting by me.
I need more grams of common sense, kilos of well deserved happiness, kilometers of a Mediterranean beach where to get lost, thousands of miles visiting historical places, a buch of moments with the friends of my childhood who everyday get closer to that Stephen King's definition...Pam, pam...pam pam pam... I know what I mean . And they know too, for my OQM were never in vain.
So, I am getting some time off to think of that and build my next moonlights, for years have tought me that patience is in truth a virtue. Another one is knowing what to do with this surplus of not knowing. So many directions...So many... But at least I know that to start is always A PROMISING START!!
Whoever wants to buy some energy I advise you yo look for it in the market of life. It's quite expensive there, but is the best I can recomend.